The council has launched an emergency response hub to ensure access to support is available for our most vulnerable citizens. The service will prioritise those in critical need who have received a letter from NHS England stating they are in a priority group; or those that are self-isolating for shorter periods but are unable to rely on family or friends for adequate practical support.

This may be in relation to:

  • emergency food supplies
  • social contact

The Council will be signposting and connecting vulnerable citizens who have no assistance from family or friends and need help from voluntary organisations and community groups for support, which may be provided by the council or the voluntary sector.

If people are able to use existing help and support from family and friends, we’re asking them to please continue to do this, so we can focus on our most vulnerable citizens.

Please spread the word to appropriate people on how to access this support:

Online information:

Online support request: here

By phone: 0121 303 1116 (Mon-Fri:9am-5pm)